List of publications

Impact of Creative Economies on the Future of Tourism in the APEC Region

Workshop on Strengthening Early Warning Early Action for the Vulnerable Communities in APEC

A Path to Paperless Trade: Analysing the Legal Gaps and Economic Benefit of Adopting or Maintaining a Legal Framework that Takes into Account the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (MLETR)

The Legislation Recommendation and Promotion of Multifunctional Ocean Space Usage: Combine Floating PV Installations at Offshore Wind Farms

Interoperability of Electronic Invoicing Systems in the APEC Region

APEC Sustainability and Environmental Education for Post Disaster

17th Conference on Good Regulatory Practice (GRP17) - Conference Summary Report and Lessons Learned

Study and Workshop to Understand the Role of Digital Connectivity in the Formalization Process of Informal Businesses

Guidance on Strengthening Good Governance on the Implementation of Standardization and Conformity Assessment for APEC Economies

Workshop on Enhancing Prevention and Risk Reduction for Climate Change Adaptation in Vulnerable Communities in the Asia-Pacific Region