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Women in Global Value Chains: An APEC Benchmarking Study

COVER_223_SME_Women in Global Value Chains
Published Date November 2023
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG)
Accessed 445
Pages 19
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In 2023, APEC endorsed the self-funded United States project “Advancing Women in Global Value Chains in the APEC Region” to examine the experience of women-owned businesses (WOBs). Specifically, the project aims to highlight WOBs trying to access global procurement networks and corporate value chains, identify gaps in support, and demonstrate best practices in sourcing from women’s enterprises. This Global Value Chains Benchmarking Study provides an initial overview of government and private sector efforts across APEC to source from WOBs and the experiences of WOBs in engaging in global value chains. The goal of the study is to help APEC policymakers develop and/or promote programs and policies that enable women entrepreneurs to enter or advance in global value chains. Realizing the untapped potential of WOBs participating in global value chains can increase supply chain resilience and business-level growth, boosting women’s workforce participation and job growth, promoting international trade and investment, and ultimately contributing to inclusive economic growth for the entire region.