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APEC Workshop on Promoting Women Economic Empowerment through Enhancing Opportunities for Women in Remote Areas across Agri-food Chains

Published Date September 2024
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy (PPWE)
Accessed 49
Pages 28
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The “APEC Workshop on Promoting Women Economic Empowerment through Enhancing Opportunities for Women in Remote Areas across Agri-food Chains” aims to improve capacity building for APEC member economies through sharing information, experiences, best practices in empowering women through enhancing opportunities for those in agri-food chains with a focus on how to facilitate their access to necessary resources and harness e-commerce. It is in line with the La Serena Roadmap that aims to “provide capacity building activities and opportunities for networking, mentoring, and digital skills-building, among other core skills, to increase women’s business competencies and encourage their participation in the digital economy and innovation” as well as “exchange experiences and best practices that can effectively increase the participation of women in local, regional, and global markets”.