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International Investment Agreements and Climate Change: What is the Role that International Investment Agreements Play in the Transition to a Green Economy?

Published Date July 2024
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), Investment Expert Group (IEG)
Accessed 547
Pages 144
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The final report is the concluding product of the project, and it provides an in-depth analysis of the role of International Investment Agreements (IIAs) in the transition to a green economy. It encompasses the project's overall findings and recommendations, incorporating insights from the workshop (held in August 2023 in Seattle, USA), the current state of the art, and the main challenges, risks, and opportunities of IIAs. Additionally, the report offers policy recommendations and best practice guidelines for APEC member economies to consider. A consultant expert in the field prepared the final report. A preliminary report of this project is included as an annex to the final report.