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Challenges, Opportunities and Trends of Digitalization in Education in the Asia-Pacific Region

Published Date July 2024
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG)
Accessed 786
Pages 37
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The report starts with an analysis of the digital education governance of APEC members including specialized agencies, cross-sector approach, decentralized system and mixed approach. The most recent developments of digitalization in education of APEC member feature innovative digital platforms, government-led initiatives and improvement of access to devices and connectivity. In retrospect, APEC economies have developed and implemented laws, strategies, plans, policies and action plans as well as standards and frameworks to advance the digitalization in education, aligned with larger strategy or policy at economy level. These were translated into commitments for harnessing the power of technologies, transforming the educational processes, rebuilding digital governance systems and closing digital divide. The best practices of digitalization in education are highlighted from four perspectives: enabling conditions; financing digitalization; steering innovation; and forging partnerships. Moving forward, the policy recommendations are proposed, summarized as a “SEA+ 5C” approach that stand for Structure, Enablers and Accountability with commitment, connection, content, coordination and capacity.