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APEC SEN Mental Health Training Curriculum to Empower Well-being of Life Onboard for Seafarers across the APEC Region

Published Date July 2024
Type of Publication Manuals
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Transportation Working Group (TPTWG)
Accessed 177
Pages 198
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The APEC SEN Mental Health Training Curriculum project developed two key textbooks: "Break the Silence" and "Resilience" aimed at enhancing the mental health and well-being of seafarers. The publication, "Break the Silence" encourages open discussions about mental health, providing strategies to manage and support mental wellness onboard. "Resilience" equips seafarers with skills to cope with stress and adversity, promoting mental toughness and effective coping strategies. These materials aim to create a supportive and resilient maritime community across the APEC region, ultimately contributing to safer and more efficient maritime operations.