Women and Patents: Towards Gender Parity in APEC

Published Date | August 2023 |
Type of Publication | Reports |
Publication Under | Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), Intellectual Property Rights Experts Group (IPEG) |
Accessed | 1504 |
Pages | 265 |
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This publication titled Women and Patents: Towards Gender Parity in APEC is the Final Report of the study conducted through Project IPEG 02 2021 “Women and Patents in the APEC Region: Current Situation, Performance and Challenges”. This publication seeks to provide APEC member economies with relevant quantitative and qualitative information about the current context and relationship between women and patents within the region, in order to allow a better understanding of the subject and to improve decision-making processes and policies that can promote and support the female population in utilizing this important intellectual property tool to foster gender equality and economic growth.