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A Study on the Harmonization of the IP Financial System

COVER_223_IPEG_A Study on the Harmonization of the IP Financial System
Published Date July 2023
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Intellectual Property Rights Experts Group (IPEG), Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI)
Accessed 1594
Pages 109
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Based on the current status of the IP (Intellectual Property) finance infrastructure in APEC as well as IP finance models and real world cases, share the difficulties of the establishment of the IP finance system in the region and propose solutions and best practices. Also, pursue common prosperity by contributing to economic development based on IP finance in APEC.

List of Chapter

Chapter 1. IP Financing in the knowledge-based economy

Chapter 2. Legal and regulatory framework for IP financing

Chapter 3. IP finance models

Chapter 4. Challenges and key success factors in IP financing

Chapter 5. Policy implications and suggestions