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Policy Paths toward Low-emission Multimodal Transportation in APEC

Cover_223_PSU_Policy Paths toward Low-emission Multimodal Transportation
Published Date May 2023
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Automotive Dialogue (AD), Transportation Working Group (TPTWG), APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 1922
Pages 14
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The transportation sector emits one-fifth of global carbon dioxide emissions, contributing significantly to global warming and climate change. Proven and effective policy interventions are needed to ensure a low-emission and sustainable future for land, air and sea transportation. This policy brief outlines the main policy interventions that can contribute to realizing low-emission transport systems in a timely, feasible and inclusive manner to address climate change challenges. It condenses empirical findings and key policy recommendations for the land, aviation and maritime transportation sectors. It concludes with a discussion on the need to ensure a just transition to a low-emission transport future.