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Structural Reform Measures to Improve Women's Access to Labor Markets, Finance and Capital

219_PSU_Structural Reform Measures to Improve Women's Access to Labor Markets, Finance and Capital
Published Date October 2019
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 8533
Pages 69
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This report examines structural reform processes throughout the APEC economies to remove barriers to women’s access to labor markets, finance, and capital. It highlights the importance of sex-disaggregated data to inform policy change and evaluate policy effectiveness. Two case studies provide detailed information on the process to reform and adopt new policies. The first case study examines the reform process to develop pay equity legislation in New Zealand, and the second tracks the process to adopt a financial inclusion strategy in Mexico.

The report also provides recommendations to advance inclusive, transparent and efficient reform processes across APEC economies.